Determinism v. Free Will & Genetic Evidence of Addiction in Plea Bargaining and Sentence Mitigation
April 15, 2024

Determinism v. Free Will & Genetic Evidence of Addiction in Plea Bargaining and Sentence Mitigation

Regarding rehabilitation vs. incarceration, we believe addiction rehabilitation is more beneficial. Contact Precision Recovery today!

Conversion of Incarceration to Probation and Addiction Rehabilitation Based on Genetic Addiction Risk Severity (GARS) Test

In this article, Dr. Kenneth Blum and his team detail the case of an alcoholic individual known as AG, who, at the age of thirty-five, faced numerous convictions for driving while intoxicated (DWI). Despite ongoing outpatient substance abuse treatment, AG had a history of DWI offenses, prompting court-mandated treatment to aid in maintaining sobriety. A pivotal aspect of AG's treatment was the administration of the Genetic Addiction Risk Severity (GARS) Test, which aimed to assess his genetic predisposition to addiction.

Ultimately, the use of the GARS test empowers courts with a valuable tool to identify underlying issues and craft rehabilitative measures tailored to individual needs. By embracing this approach, courts can enhance their ability to resolve cases effectively while advancing the cause of rehabilitation over punitive measures in SUD cases, particularly those involving repeat DWI offenders like AG.

Individualized Treatment Addresses Root Causes

The case of AG underscores the importance of individualized treatment approaches in addressing the root causes of substance abuse. By incorporating genetic information obtained through the GARS test, the presiding judge recognized that AG's alcoholism was genetically induced, specifically stemming from dopamine dysfunction. This understanding enabled the court to tailor an addiction rehabilitation plan that addresses AG's underlying genetic predispositions, rather than solely punishing him through incarceration. This approach acknowledges that addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue, requiring personalized interventions to address the underlying factors driving substance abuse effectively. By prioritizing rehabilitation vs incarceration, the court promotes AG's recovery and addresses the root causes of his behavior, leading to more sustainable long-term outcomes.

Promoting Public Safety Through Rehabilitation vs Incarceration

In opting for probation and continued substance abuse treatment for AG, the court demonstrated a commitment to promoting public safety through rehabilitation. While custodial sentences may temporarily remove offenders from society, they often fail to address the underlying issues driving criminal behavior, potentially leading to recidivism upon release. By contrast, addiction rehabilitation programs aim to address the root causes of criminal behavior, providing individuals like AG with the support and resources needed to overcome addiction and reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens. By investing in addiction rehabilitation, the court not only addresses the immediate consequences of AG's actions but also works towards preventing future offenses, ultimately contributing to the safety and well-being of the community.

Embracing Compassion and Humanity in Justice

The decision to advocate for rehabilitation vs incarceration in AG's case reflects a broader shift towards embracing compassion and humanity in the criminal justice system. Rather than viewing individuals struggling with addiction solely as perpetrators deserving of punishment, the court recognized AG's humanity and the complex factors contributing to his behavior, including his genetic predisposition to alcoholism. This approach acknowledges that punitive measures alone are unlikely to address the underlying issues driving criminal behavior and may exacerbate cycles of addiction and recidivism. By prioritizing addiction rehabilitation, the court affirms its commitment to supporting individuals like AG on their journey toward recovery and redemption, fostering a more compassionate and effective approach to justice that prioritizes healing and rehabilitation vs incarceration.

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Rehabilitation vs Incarceration  

This article highlights a compelling case study underscoring the benefits of prioritizing rehabilitation vs incarceration in substance use disorder (SUD) cases, particularly those involving repeat offenders like AG. By integrating genetic information obtained through the Genetic Addiction Risk Severity (GARS) Test, the presiding judge in AG's case opted for a rehabilitative approach, sentencing him to probation and continued addiction rehabilitation instead of a custodial prison sentence for his fifth DWI conviction. This decision represents a significant departure from the typical legal response to such offenses, signaling a shift towards a more nuanced understanding of addiction and its underlying genetic components. By recognizing the importance of individualized treatment tailored to genetic predispositions, courts not only address the root causes of substance abuse but also promote addiction rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society. Ultimately, this case underscores the potential for genetic insights to inform more effective and compassionate approaches to criminal justice, benefiting both individuals struggling with addiction and society as a whole.

Contact Precision Recovery Today!

At Precision Recovery, we help educate others about the root cause of substance abuse issues and the underlying genetic components. To learn more about addiction rehabilitation contact Precision Recovery today!